Frequently Asked Question

What is Trex IPTV Premium?

Trex IPTV Premium is a streaming service that provides access to over 22,510 channels, 100,513 movie titles, and over 17,701 TV series.

How do I sign up for Trex IPTV Premium?

You can sign up for Trex IPTV Premium on our website,

What devices are supported by Trex IPTV Premium?

Trex IPTV Premium supports a variety of devices, including Android smartphones and tablets, Android TV boxes, Amazon Fire TV and Firestick, Smart TVs, iOS devices, Windows PCs, and more.

How many channels does Trex IPTV Premium offer?

Trex IPTV Premium offers over 22,510 channels.

How many movie titles does Trex IPTV Premium offer?

Trex IPTV Premium offers over 100,513 movie titles.

How many TV series does Trex IPTV Premium offer?

Trex IPTV Premium offers over 17,701 TV series.

Is there a free trial for Trex IPTV Premium?

Yes, we offer a free trial of Trex IPTV Premium. You can sign up for the free trial on our website.

What is the price of Trex IPTV Premium?

The price of Trex IPTV Premium varies depending on the subscription package you choose. You can view our pricing on our website.

The legality of IPTV services can vary depending on the country and jurisdiction. However, Trex IPTV Premium operates in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Can I watch live sports on Trex IPTV Premium?

Yes, Trex IPTV Premium offers a variety of live sports channels

Is Trex IPTV Premium available worldwide?

Yes, Trex IPTV Premium is available worldwide, as long as you have a stable internet connection.

What are the promotions going on?

We provide the most user-friendly service for you to develop your software with the best user-experience design. You can come up with an idea, design plan or we are open for discussion to help you to develop your desired software efficiently.